The hidden value of adversity
Though it doesn't seem like it at the time, difficulties can be positive. We've all had those experiences when we failed at something in life, whether it was a minor disappointment such as a test at school or being rejected for a thing we wanted very badly, such as a promotion or a position. In that moment everything seems to come crashing down around us, and we may wind up in the pits. We can feel overwhelmed by feelings discouragement. As difficult as it may be, we should not give in to negative assessments. The main thing is not to panic. Just try to breathe and relax, and not think too much about the outcome if possible. Never make any decision when you are distressed or discouraged. Postpone making plans until you are more rested and regain your balance. Try to focus on positive thoughts and spend time if possible with people who give you joy, or doing something that you enjoy. Anxiety in the heart weighs one down, but a good word makes one glad, according...