Simply Grateful

When I woke up this morning, Thanksgiving Day I turned on a tap to get some water and discovered the water pressure was much lower than normal. By about an hour later there was no water at all. I was on my way over to my next door neighbor's to see if theirs was off too, when I found them outside with a couple of other neighbors who were all wondering what had happened to the water, and of course how that would affect their plans for the day, to be cooking and having guests in for a meal.
Funny how suddenly losing something that we take for granted disrupts our plans and causes us inconvenience. Water of course is a basic necessity of life, but here in North America it is still relatively abundant and inexpensive, and also easy to obtain even when the normal flow is turned off suddenly.
As it happened, the problem was caused by a broken water main down the street, which took most of the day to repair, and our water utility crew came to deliver bottled water and inform us of the estimate of when the repairs would be complete.
In my case, this disruption of water didn't cause more than a slight change of plans, as our family celebration of Thanksgiving wasn't planned until tomorrow anyway. But it did come as a reminder of how much I have for which I am grateful. This year I am especially grateful, because my daughter and her family have moved back here from Norway. So this was the first Thanksgiving I have spent with her three children.
We went for a drive in the rain, and stopped at a playground so the kids could have a chance to play outside for a while. I spent Thanksgiving Day playing with grand-kids, reflecting that overall life is good.
And later when I returned home the water was back on, with a note from our water company at the front door advising that the water may possibly be contaminated due to the break in the line and that we should boil tap water for drinking or washing for a minute before using it, until they let us know it has tested as safe again.
My hope is that you also enjoyed the blessings of gratefulness on this Thanksgiving Day.


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